The Council proposes to limit spending on the construction and repair of roads, parks and other infrastructure facilities during the war

The Council proposes to limit spending on the construction and repair of roads, parks and other infrastructure facilities during the war

On August 4, the Verkhovna Rada registered bill No. 9565, which will prohibit spending from the state and local budgets on the improvement of settlements during martial law. The document will also limit salaries to those who receive them at the expense of public finances.
This was reported by the co-author of the project Olga Vasylevska-Smaglyuk.
There are no accompanying documents to the draft law on the Council website yet, but according to the text published by the People's Deputy, it is proposed to ban the financing of the construction and repair of roads, intersections, parks, recreation areas, infrastructure that is not in use, state dachas, and others. Exceptions may be objects in a state of emergency or those that need to be restored after shelling.
Also, people's deputies want to prohibit the payment of a number of purchases from budget funds - goods that are not essential items, for shelter, transport, advertising services, etc.
It is also planned to prohibit spending money on the production of cultural products.
"To move cobblestones, the condition of which did not bother anyone, to build interchanges worth billions of hryvnias and stadiums in villages, to update car fleets, to fly charters with cute emojis, to clean airports that no one uses, to maintain nomenclature dachas, to buy vegetable cutters for shelters, to shoot TV series ... it will be possible after the victory", - commented the People's Deputy.
The draft law proposes to establish maximum salaries for all those who receive them "at the expense of public finances", including managers of communal and state-owned enterprises. The amount cannot be greater than that received by a front-line serviceman, or 15 minimum salaries - 100.5 thousand hryvnias.

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