Britain's new transport minister has declared a "war on motorists"

Britain's new transport minister has declared a "war on motorists"

The UK's new transport minister, Louise Hay, has said she will support limiting urban speeds to 32km/h, as well as introducing low-traffic areas and cycle lanes. The former government called such a policy a
"war on motorists," according to Bloomberg.
 The minister also supports the goal, which the former government of Boris Johnson sought to achieve by 2030 - that half of all trips in English cities be made on foot or by bicycle.
According to the government official, the issue of speed limit should be fully resolved by local self-government bodies. But if such a decision is adopted, the state body Active Travel England, which is engaged in the development of cycling and pedestrian traffic, will help local authorities to implement it.
After all, the slower speed of cars on the roads reduces the number of road accidents and increases the survival rate during accidents. It also improves the safety of pedestrians and cyclists.
Britain's new national transport strategy provides long-term funding for cycling at local and national levels. Louise Hay also promised to develop a new road safety strategy.
As The Guardian points out, the government's huge investment in cycling and walking is aimed at improving public health. After all, according to Hay, who is a member of the state health commission, a national network of safe bike routes and increased physical activity in people's lives could reduce visits to doctors by hundreds of thousands or even millions of visits per year.

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