It became known when the construction of the metro on Vynogradar will be resumed
  • 8 July 2023

It became known when the construction of the metro on Vynogradar will be resumed

After adjusting the scientific and project documentation, work on the construction of the metro to Vynogradar will resume in September, and two metro stations - "Mostytska" and "Varshavska" - are planned to be handed over by the end of 2024. This was announced by the head of "Kyiv Metro" Viktor Braginskyi, writes Tvoimesto.
"We work in open pits. We are finishing the correction of the project documentation. And approximately from August, we will start construction according to the corrected documentation. The project was developed in 2017-2018. The scientific institute, which supports the design, saw the imperfections of the project," says Braginskyi.
According to him, work on the new project will begin in September, and by the end of 2024, they plan to build two metro stations - "Mostytska" and "Varshavska".
"The adjustment will be completed in August. We will start working on a new project from September. By the end of 2024, we must build two metro stations - "Mostytska" and "Prospekt Pravda" ["Varshavska" - note]. And in the first quarter of 2025, commissioning works were done. It must be understood that during an air raid, construction workers go to shelter. And this also affects the terms of construction," explained the head of Kyiv Metro.
We will remind you that the first stage of construction, which provides for the continuation of the "green" branch from the "Syrets" station with a section of the fork branch towards the Vynogradar station and the electric depot, is currently underway. Previously, the completion was repeatedly postponed, but now Klitschko has promised to open the subway in 2024.
It should be noted that as of June 2023, a significant amount of basic construction and installation work has been completed at the "Mostytska" and "Varshavska" stations, in particular, the installation of enclosing structures using the "wall in soil" method, fastening of the pit with metal structures, development and removal of soil, and others.
The almost 1,250-meter long tunnel from the Syrets station to the Mostytska station is also ready, the construction of the main structures of the ventilation unit has been completed, and a complex of works on the dismantling of the tunneling mechanized complex has been completed.
The general project of the extension of the branch involves the construction of 4 metro stations: "Mostytska", "Varshavska" (both are planned to open in 2024), "Vynogradar" and "Marshal Grechka Street" (will be renamed in the future).
In addition, as Braginskyi added, the Kyiv metro does not purchase any software products of the aggressor country: all Soviet-made cars are repaired with Ukrainian parts and car components supplied by the Warsaw metro.
In total, Kyiv has more than 50 wagons produced by the Kryukiv Wagon Building Plant, modernized wagons from the same plant since 2014, as well as new wagons since 2010. 60% of the subway fleet consists of outdated cars.

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